The GOP’s War on Women

Ever since the Supreme Court gutted Roe vs.Wade last summer, and decided to leave decisions about women’s bodies up to state legislatures, our nation has felt the pain and aftermath of this disastrous ruling. At present, 24 states have banned abortion, some at six weeks and others at 15, with some allowing for very limited exceptions in cases such as rape or a medical emergency. In blue states where abortion is legal, right-wing and pro-life groups are using the Comstock Act to challenge and defy state laws guaranteeing abortion, pushing the narrative that federal laws trump regional laws.

However, the fallout we are witnessing isn’t just about abortion rights, its an all-out assault on women’s rights in general: An assault that is characteristic of right-wing and fascist groups.

Extremist groups such as the Proud Boys, the Return of KingsA Voice for Men, and misogynist influencers such as Charlie Kirk and Andrew Tate don’t just spew toxic masculinity, they share a desire to dominate women and the conviction that our society favors women over men. These and other individuals add fuel to the MAGA hysteria over white straight males being replaced by immigrants, drag queens, LGBTQ+ individuals, Muslims and Jews.

Such beliefs have become more and more prominent in our nation, fueled by the Trump administration and the influence of white supremacist groups in American politics. What these groups all have in common is their attacks on women’s autonomy and their penchant for violent rhetoric and white Christian nationalism.

Looking at right-wing regimes, both past and present, they all worship hyper-masculinity and seek to limit the roles and rights of women. Modern-day examples include Viktor Orban, and Jair Bolsonaro, and historic figures such s Mussolini, Hitler, Ion Antonescu, and Francisco Franco. All sought to compel women to give birth and limit their participation in society and politics.

In fascist regimes, only men are autonomous. Lawmakers who seek to deny a woman’s right to choose strip women of their ability to participate as equals in society, and as a result, women are denied the right to engage in a democracy. 

Sadly, it’s not just abortion rights that are under siege. Some GOP lawmakers are considering repealing no-fault divorce laws. For example, In Louisiana, GOP members are attacking no-fault divorce because they believe it has “weakened” the institution of marriage. An initial draft of the proposed resolution reads: “Louisiana marriage laws have destroyed the institute of marriage over the past thirty to fifty years,” and as a result, “The destruction of marriage has resulted in widespread child poverty in Louisiana.”

GOP and right-wing support for government intrusion into a woman’s most personal decisions smacks of authoritarianism. Pro-lifers and their legislative representatives quote the Bible and claim that they support the lives of babies, yet they consistently vote against universal healthcare, paid maternity leave, and early childhood education. Abortion bans are about reproductive rights, and stripping women of the right to make decisions about their own bodies. 

For the political right, policing what women can and cannot wear in legislative chambers, dictating gender roles, and attacking trans youth and drag queens are all linked to the goal of limiting the freedoms and daily lives of Americans who do not fit into the fascist ideal of the “Strongman.”

Attacks on women are attacks on democracy.