Democracy is on the line

“When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right” – Victor Hugo Two more days until the general election, two more days in which the future of our nation will be decided. As I write this, 92 million Americans have already cast their ballots, nearly twice the number in 2016, and it’s not even election day yet. Some states…

Not even all of “Neptune’s ocean.”

There is a line in Shakespeare’s MacBeth, where MacBeth returns to his wife, and out of guilt mourns his brutal murder of his trusted Captain Duncan. In the scene, MacBeth looks at his bloodied hands and says: “Will all great Neptune’s ocean wash this blood clean from my hand?” Unlike MacBeth, Trump has expressed no…

When they go low, we go vote!

This week has been quite the week. From Trump’s refusal to denounce white supremacism, and his incessant bullying and obnoxious interrupting of Biden during the debate Tuesday night, to the release of his tax returns, to Kimberly Guilfoyle’s sexual assault allegations while she worked for Fox, to the GOP pushing for a quick nomination of…

“Suckers” and “Losers”

My husband is not a sucker or a loser, he’s a hero. Back in 1969, my husband got a letter from the draft board that he was going to Vietnam. He didn’t come from a rich family and he didn’t have any congressmen or senators to pull strings for him, his father worked in the…

The Trump Brand and the Erosion of Democracy

According to the dictionary, “branding” in the marketing sense is “the promotion of a particular product or company by means of advertising and distinctive design.” If you watched any of the RNC footage this week, it’s abundantly clear that Trump is replacing our democracy with his brand. And Trump’s brand is one of the rich…

A Dissonant, Uncomfortable Truth

Years ago I took a cultural anthropology class as an undergrad, and I remember a lecture on belief systems, and the subject of Festinger’s Syndrome came up. I must admit I don’t remember the actual subject of the lecture, but I do remember my professor saying that in the face of contradictory evidence, people will…

Was the Killing of George Floyd Trump’s Reichstag Moment?

I recently finished reading Eric Metaxas’ biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, entitled Bonhoeffer : Pastor, Martyr, Prophet, Spy. Born in 1906, Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a Lutheran pastor and noted theologian, but he is perhaps better remembered for his resistance to Adolf Hitler and the Nazi party, and he outwardly opposed Hitler’s persecution of Jews and minorities….